Seasonal Irrigation Form Today's Date *Customer Name (as appears on bill) *Phone Number *Email Address *Service Address *I need to *Disconnect my irrigation serviceReconnect my irrigation serviceRequested Date of Disconnect *We do not do disconnects on Fridays. Applications also should not be filled out more than two weeks ahead of your requested date of disconnect.Requested Date of Service *We do not offer same-day service. Applications also should not be filled out more than two weeks ahead of your requested date of service.Do you prefer paper bills or e-bills? *Paper BillsE-BillsI understand that there is a $30 disconnect fee that will be added to my final bill for this account, and I understand that there will be a $30 connect fee when I choose to reconnect my irrigation service.I understand that there will be a $30 connect fee on my next bill for this account, and I understand that there will be a $30 fee added when I choose to disconnect my irrigation service. I also understand that this irrigation meter is billed on a separate bill (with a separate account number) from the bill for my house meter.Submit