Request to Reestablish Service NOTE: This form is for only if you have already had an account at this address in the past and need to reestablish service there. If you are needing service in your name at an address where you have not had service before, you must fill out our Application for Residential Service. If you are needing to reestablish your irrigation service, please fill out our Seasonal Irrigation Form.Today's Date *Customer Number (if known)Last Name on Account *Or if a business name, put the business name in both the last name and first name fields.First Name on Account *Service Address *City *State *Zip Code *Mailing Address *City *State *Zip Code *You... *Own the propertyRent the propertyManage the propertyRequested Date of Service *We do not offer same-day service. Please give us at least two business days' notice.Social Security Number or Tax ID *Please enter up-to-date contact information to be stored on the account:Primary Phone Number *Secondary Phone NumberEmail Address *How would you like to receive your bills each month? *Paper BillE-BillI understand that the LCWSA office will assess a fee that I will owe for reconnecting this service.Submit