If you suddenly find yourself without water or with a significant decrease in water pressure, the following are a few suggestions to follow which will help determine what the problem may be:
- Check with people in your area (neighbors, etc.) and find out if they are experiencing the same problem.
- If no one else is having a problem, go out to your water meter to see if anything on that meter is moving. If the needle or small triangle is moving, this will indicate you have a leak on your line and you will need to repair the line or contact a plumber.
- If others are experiencing the same problem, contact our office to report the outage/reduction in pressure at the numbers listed below.
Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm – 256-233-6444 ext. 128
After Hours/Weekends/Holidays – 256-230-9228
When reporting an outage please give the LCWSA representative your name, address, and phone number. The more accurate the information we have, the quicker we can restore your water service.